Sunday, January 24, 2010


I was in doubt about Writing this blog,even i dont know what i want between the two....But i found this to be very intriguing,not able to resist myself,hence i cant stop myself from writing ..I start with the same odd line,"the information presented here is personal,and is not related to anybody personal life""..,it sound very boring,right..

I found many peoples in my life,who are running after $UCCE$$,probably my name is also included in it..But,recently i realized,that i should not run after $.Its better,if u go for later one,i.e.SUCCESS.The moment you make up ur mind,that if you are going for SUCCESS,then definatley $UCCE$$,will follow u.Same thing,was conveyed in 3 idiots-Go for excellence,success will be following u.(hopefully all of us,has seen it).
The main reason for writing this blog is that,i encountered many people in my life,that are going for $ucce$$.Doing whatever they could do,even sacrificing their principles,their teacings and all other important component of life..Is it correct?We all know,that everyone wants to rise among others. Following this way,will definately help nearby,but not life long.One day,we all find,that we are alone in this world,and no one is with us.
Why can't we do something far better In life,that money should follow us,and we accept it with full pride.(Knowing,that we have not done anything wrong in life or earning it).That day, my dear friends,we all be feeling proud,that we earned what we deserved in a proper way.
We all know,that we want to earn money and live a comfortable life.Nobody is stopping you.But there are some good ways to do progress.
Hopefully,I might be successful in putting my point.I might miss out on some points.Feel,free to speak..
Feedbacks are appreciated


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That's a commendable piece of writing, being the very first one.

    For SUCCESS, "A person must be willing to burn his ship and cut all sources of retreat. Only by doing so one could maintain the state of mind known as BURNING DESIRE TO WIN."
    All your life you might have lived a carefree life, had lots of fun moments, but the day you decide to chase SUCCESS you have to do something that you haven't done all your life, you have to face your fears and work hard. Be SUCCESSFUL and then share and enjoy your SUCCESS, for how long will one keep sharing just the idea of SUCCESS in TALKS and not in ACTION.
